Offcanvas Section

You can publish whatever you want in the Offcanvas Section. It can be any module or particle.

By default, the available module positions are offcanvas-a and offcanvas-b but you can add as many module positions as you want from the Layout Manager.

You can also add the hidden-phone module class suffix to your modules so they do not appear in the Offcanvas Section when the site is loaded on a mobile device.

Sunday, March 30, 2025
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Call Us Today: 814.772.3276
11 Gillis Avenue • Ridgway, PA 15853

Our Capabilities

gren tech home page.16993512 stdPowder Metallurgy, or PM, is a process for forming metal parts by heating compacted metal powders to just below their melting points.  PM is widely recognized as a superior way of producing high-quality parts for a variety of important applications. This success is due to the advantages the process offers over other metal forming technologies, such as forging and metal casting, advantages in material utilization, shape complexity, near-net-shape dimensional control, among others. PM is a recognized green technology. (MPIF) 

Powder Metal Parts Manufacturing

We manufacture powder metal parts from 5 tons to 500 tons.

In-House Machining

gren tech home page.16993512 stdNot only can we press parts up to 500 tons, we do all of our own machining in-house to allow for better control over product flow. We have several CNC lathes, drill presses, and tapping machines. See the Outsourcing information in the next block to see the relationships that we have developed for specialized machining.


We have years of experience in Custom Assembly and Packaging before and during Sintering (Sinter Bonding). 


The majority of our products can be made to net-shape specifications in-house. There are occasions where customer requirements force us to use outside sources. These include, but are not limited to: Heat Treating; Machining; Plating; Drilling and Tapping; Steam Treating; and Honing. We have developed partnerships with our outsourcing shops to give you the highest quality and shortest lead time available.

Still have questions? Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.